Namaste and thank you for joining HB McQueen in lifting the vibration of the planet

Hollie-Berri shines bright! She a fire cracker!

Also affectionately known as HB, she loves to wake before sunrise and head to the beach for her morning rituals. She begins her morning ceremony by bringing in the Suncodes(HB McQueen Suncodes Ritual TM) in her trademark style which is well known by the locals. Yoga, meditation and body surfing are the way she fills her cup daily and radiates her beaming smile. Her day has begun……..

HB is an adventure traveller and has tour guided many people across many different continents. Her lust for mother Gaia and life itself is evidently her passion. Hollie-Berri is also an artist, and enjoys carving in particular, and also loves designing jewellery and styling spaces. Alongside her dear friend, she hosts the podcast ‘FOX BITE’ which is filled with knowledge and humour and you can find on Spotify. She volunteers her time and shares her passion for health by raising the vibration of the community via organising free community talks inviting experts within her community to impart their knowledge so town folk can gain insight into such things as “Vaping” and “The effects of 5G”.

She usually has a couple of projects on the go and loves filling her time with the joyous laughter of friends and family. The dinner parties she hosts in her home are epic and full of good food and raucous laughter, you leave with sore cheeks, a full belly and a warm heart. Fitness, health, creativity, human behaviour, and exploring new ‘country’ is important to her. She is indigenous and has collected much tools on her quests lead by spirit and her energy is boundless.

By you choosing her to guide you too, you are on your way up. Hollie-Berri utilises science, the human mind, human behaviours, and psychotherapy teamed with spirit, guides, earths elements, and your soul heart. Under HB’s wing you will become who you soulfully are, leaving your old energy ways behind.

HB is an active community member and volunteers her time and knowledge on a weekly basis and offers her love and compassion to each individual. She offers pro-bono sessions to those she sees fit to receive from her. HB will use Medical intuition, Lightwork, Clinical Hypnotherapy, holistic counselling, ceremony, frequalising, drumming, spiritual massage, and her innate psychic all-knowingness to get you flowing and seeking advancement into the wonderful and exciting unknown. Make this lifetime one that rockets you to Father Sun and Mother Moon.

HB loves deeply and finds the joy and positivity in everything. She meets you where you are at and accepts all ways of being. She has grit, adapts and overcomes whatever is in her path with ease and grace. She will always find a way………

HB has the refined the art of how to cut out the white noise of fear and tap into her higher self.

You can power up now if you like.

Book online for online sessions and phone HB for in-clinic face to face sessions. 0433777775.